

The Goals and Vision section is a concise and specific segment that highlights the objectives that led you to present your application, as well as your overall vision for the endeavor.

This section includes the following elements:

  1. Section Title: Expresses the content of the section briefly and engagingly.
  2. Brief Description of the Section: Provides a quick overview of the section's content and its significance in the broader context of the application.
  3. List of Goals: Contains a list of the objectives that compelled you to develop the application for their achievement. Each goal includes a title summarizing the goal and a concise description.
  4. Vision Paragraph: Illustrates the comprehensive vision of the application and what you aspire to achieve in terms of impact and improvement in the market or users' lives. This paragraph reflects the inspiration and grand purpose behind the application's development.
  5. Link to the Full About Page: Offers a means for users to explore the complete details of the vision and goals on a dedicated page.

This section serves as a space to express the motivation behind the application's development and to delineate the goals you aim to accomplish, in addition to sharing your all-encompassing vision for the project with the audience.

As for the image, you can modify it in the advanced settings in the images section



The term "path" here refers to the main JSON file in the API directory used to modify component content.

You can access the editing file by following these steps:

  1. Open the "content" folder.
  2. Open the "api" folder.
  3. Open the "goalvision.json" file.

The path is as follows:

content > api > goalvision.json

You will find this content:

content > api > goalvision.json
  "SectionOne": [
      "title": "Goal and vision",
      "description": "A general description of your application goals."
  "GoalList": [
      "title": "The first goal: a short title",
      "description": "Average description of the mentioned goal",
      "isOpen": false
      "title": "The second goal: a short title",
      "description": "Average description of the mentioned goal",
      "isOpen": false
      "title": "The third goal: a short title",
      "description": "Average description of the mentioned goal",
      "isOpen": false
      "title": "The fourth goal: a short title",
      "description": "Average description of the mentioned goal",
      "isOpen": false
  "SectionTwo": [
      "vision": "Your vision for which the application was launched"

json file original (API)

What is meant here is the content of the original file is empty, here you can copy the content of the file in case any information or content is lost or to verify.

  "SectionOne": [
      "title": "",
      "description": ""
  "GoalList": [
      "title": "",
      "description": "",
      "isOpen": false
  "SectionTwo": [
      "vision": ""

Explanation of the amendment

File partitions

This file is divided into three different sections:

  • SectionOne: you will find the title and description of the objectives
  • GoalList: Here you will find a list of objectives
  • SectionTwo: Here you will find a description of the vision The editing process is straightforward.

After opening the modification file as mentioned earlier, follow these editing steps:

  • To change the data, edit the text within the quotation marks (OBJECT ADDRESS). For instance, you can modify the title to "New Title" and the description to "New Description."
Section 1SectionOne
titleTITLE: Goal and vision
descriptionA general description of your application goals.
Section 2GoalList
titleOne goal: a short title
descriptionAverage description of the mentioned goal
Section 3SectionTwo
visionYour vision for which the application was launched

Every time you want to add a new goal, you can copy this code, however, it is recommended to have a maximum of 4 goals

goalvision.json > GoalList
    "title": "",
    "description": "",
    "isOpen": false
  • Once you finish the edits, save the file by clicking on "File" in the upper-left corner. Then choose "Save" or use the shortcut Ctrl + S (on Windows) or Command + S (on macOS).

Now you can observe the changes you made in your application when you reload or run it.

If the page does not refresh, you may need to refresh the web page