About Us Page

The About Us page is a textual page for an article that contains the most important information about your application. It's a space where you can freely add whatever content you want.

Editing Process

To edit the page, you can navigate to the following path:

content > article > aboutus.md
  1. Open the file.
  2. Write the content you want to add or the article using Markdown formatting.

You can use an online Markdown editor like https://pandao.github.io/editor.md/en.html to assist you in the editing process.

Markdown Basics

  1. Headings: To create headings, use hash symbols (#). You can use one to six hash symbols to specify the heading level.
    # Heading Level 1
    ## Heading Level 2
    ### Heading Level 3
    ###### Heading Level 6
  2. Normal Text: You can write normal text as usual. To make text bold, use double asterisks ** or double underscores __ around the text. For italic text, use a single asterisk * or a single underscore _.
    This is **bold text** and this is *italic text*.
  3. Lists: You can create ordered and unordered lists. For ordered lists, use numbers and for unordered lists, use dashes.
    Ordered List:
    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3
    Unordered List:
    - Item 1
    - Item 2
    - Item 3
  4. Links: You can add links using square brackets for the text and parentheses for the link itself.
    [Link Text](Page Link)
  5. Images: To add an image, use the same approach as links and provide an image description after the link.
    ![Image Description](Image Link)
  6. Formatting: You can add formatting such as emphasis (<em>) and underline (<u>) using a single asterisk * and underscore _ consecutively.
    *Italic text*
    _Italic text_
    <u>Underlined text</u>
  7. Quotes: To indicate quotes, use the greater-than symbol (>).
    > This is a quoted text.
  8. Code: You can highlight code by using backticks (`) around the text.
    This is `code`.
  9. Tables: You can create tables using pipes | for column separators and dashes - for row separators.
    | Header 1  | Header 2  |
    | --------- | --------- |
    | Content 1 | Content 2 |

These are some of the basics for using Markdown formatting. You can follow these rules to create easily comprehensible and well-formatted documents.